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Powerful Training in 2016

Make 2016 your year to step out of the box!  


It's time to fill up your toolbox with new ways to get the most out of your workday. Based on your responses to our survey, we're offering a series of exciting workshops at our new location— V-Suites, 2480 Waynoka Road, Colorado Springs, CO. Here's a sneak preview of what's coming in 2016.  Mark your calendar because registration opens soon.


January 27, 5-8 PM

New Year’s Time Warp: Tools & Techniques to Make the Most of Your Minutes


Make the most of the new year!  Whether you want to run your business more efficiently or make your life a little less hectic, this workshop is for you.  Learn the time management techniques of over-achievers and squeeze a little more life into your hours, minutes, and seconds. 


In this workshop you will:

  • Learn a series of simple time-savers ranging from time-hacks to lasting habits

  • Examine time management from a sustainability perspective so you can prevent many avoidable, time-consuming problems

  • Learn how to streamline your work processes and personal errands to get more done with less rushing around

  • Learn to apply the 80-20 rule for greater impact with less effort

  • Begin to do something about the problems that seem to crop up day after day


February 24, 5-8 PM

Groundhog Day Express: How to Stop Solving the Same Problems Over & Over Again


What if you could spot the behaviors and perceptions that are likely to repeat in your work and social life? Armed with that understanding, what kinds of patterns would you create on purpose? Building on her successful TEDx talk, The Fractal Challenge, and her most recent book, Dr. Henderson will teach you how to spot patterns and begin to make positive changes.


In this workshop you will:

  • Learn about recurring patterns in nature and in the ways that groups of people behave

  • Learn to adjust your perspective so you can see what kinds of patterns you are likely to see again and again

  • Look for the principles that might be driving those repeating situations

  • Think about your choices in a new way

  • Apply the concepts of pattern-spotting in your own life and work



March 30, 5-8 PM

Life-Work Integration for Busy People: Forget balance! Try Peace of Mind Instead.


Does “work-life balance” seem impossible?  Why not turn that tug of war into a tango that leaves you breathless and grinning at the end of the day?  Join Dr. Henderson for a few miles on the road to life-work integration.


In this workshop you will:

  • Learn how to deal with change in ways that promote adaptability in your organization and your self

  • Explore the reasons why you choose to prioritize one task over another and act according to what you value most

  • Apply tried and true concepts from business strategy to enhance your professional and personal life

  • Consider how sustaining yourself as an individual improves to your ability to be of service to others


April 27, 5-8 PM

Springtime Creativity Boost: How to Cultivate Out-of-the-box Thinking in your Organization


It’s the time of year when new and exciting things are popping up all over the place: flowers, grass, ideas… It’s time to consider ways to encourage creativity in the workplace and in our lives.  Plant the seeds now for a spectacular fall season!


In this workshop you will:

  • Learn why creativity is not synonymous with anarchy and get the best out of your people

  • Discover how to leverage diversity in your organization

  • Learn techniques that help move your organization from “either-or” thinking to “both-and”

  • Gain facilitation skills that help you turn your team’s disagreements into growth

  • Learn how to set the stage for exciting new ideas to emerge


May 25, 5-8 PM

Assertive Leadership: A Hybrid Approach To Managing In Dynamic Environments


This is not your grandpa’s leadership!  In the modern world, being in charge just ain’t what it used to be!  Join us for an eye-opening journey into the interconnected, rapidly changing world of today’s highly educated, global workforce.  If you are ready to challenge your assumptions and step into a way of leading that brings out the best in your people and strengthens your organization, this workshop is for you!

In this workshop you will:

  • Learn how telecommunications, globalism, education, and diversity are creating a new kind of workplace and competitive environment

  • Explore traditional and nontraditional leadership models

  • Gain tools and understanding that help you to leverage your organization’s “hidden,” informal power structure

  • Apply ancient wisdom

  • Learn tips and techniques for leading effectively in assertive, yet subtle ways that gain cooperation without creating resentment


June 29, 5-8 PM

Summer Shape Up: Developing Your Personalized Stress Reduction Plan


Are you reading this on your phone in the parking lot, waiting to pick your child up from soccer practice so you can get to scouts on time… all the while wondering what you will make for dinner and how you can meet your deadlines at work and still make cookies from scratch for the class party? Do you hope against hope that nobody sneezes on you because if you took a day off, the world would most certainly stop spinning, sending us all lurching out into space? (I am not kidding!)

I’ve been there! So I created this workshop for people who are in that place of unimaginable stress that I used to call home.  Join me for an evening of hard-won lessons, tools, and things I wish I had known back then!


In this workshop you will:

  • Learn some secrets of life-work integration

  • Examine what’s really driving your priorities at work and at home

  • Apply sustainability concepts to your own life and work for less stress and more success

  • Explore how decisiveness (not hastiness) can help you avoid stressing over things that are within your sphere of influence

  • Consider what you really have to do yourself and what you can afford to outsource, based on your unique situation

  • Learn a few simple yoga-inspired stretches and calming exercises that you can do anywhere












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