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What if you could spot the behaviors and perceptions that are likely to repeat in your work and social life? Armed with that understanding, what kinds of patterns would you create on purpose? Building on her successful TEDx talk, The Fractal Challenge, and her most recent book, Dr. Henderson will teach you how to spot patterns and begin to make positive changes. 

In this workshop you will: 
•Learn about recurring patterns in nature and in the ways that groups of people behave
•Learn to adjust your perspective so you can see what kinds of patterns you are likely to see again and again
•Look for the principles that might be driving those repeating situations
•Think about your choices in a new way
•Apply the concepts of pattern-spotting in your own life and work

February 24, 5-8 PM at V-Suites, 2480 Waynoka Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80923

Groundhog Express: Solving Problems that Repeat

SKU: 217537123517253
  • If you register but are unable to attend a session, you may send someone else in your place or request equivalent credit toward other events and services from Gly Solutions, LLC. Reservations for 3-Packs can be made by calling 1-877-480-IDEA.

    If you are using your credit to send and employee or other substitute, please call us or email and let us know. 


    If you attend an event and are dissatisfied for any reason, you may call 1-877-480-IDEA to request a full refund.

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