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Make the most of the new year!  Whether you want to run your business more efficiently or make your life a little less hectic, this workshop is for you.  Learn the time management techniques of over-achievers and squeeze a little more life into your hours, minutes, and seconds.  

In this workshop you will:
•Learn a series of simple time-savers ranging from time-hacks to lasting habits
•Examine time management from a sustainability perspective so you can prevent many avoidable, time-consuming problems
•Learn how to streamline your work processes and personal errands to get more done with less rushing around
•Learn to apply the 80-20 rule for greater impact with less effort
•Begin to do something about the problems that seem to crop up day after day

January 27, 5-8 PM at V-Suites, 2480 Waynoka Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80915

New Year’s Time Warp:Make the Most of Your Minutes

SKU: 12345678
  • If you register but are unable to attend a session, you may send someone else in your place or request equivalent credit toward other events and services from Gly Solutions, LLC. Reservations for 3-Packs can be made by calling 1-877-480-IDEA.

    If you are using your credit to send and employee or other substitute, please call us or email and let us know. 


    If you attend an event and are dissatisfied for any reason, you may call 1-877-480-IDEA to request a full refund.

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