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Are you reading this on your phone, waiting to pick your child up from soccer so you can get him to scouts, wondering what to make for dinner and how to meet your work deadlines and still make cookies from scratch for the class party?
This workshop is for people in that place of unimaginable stress I used to call home.  Join me for an evening of hard-won lessons, tools, and things I wish I had known back then!

In this workshop you will:
•Learn some life-work integration secrets
•Examine what’s "really" driving your priorities 
•Apply sustainability concepts to your life and work for less stress and more success
•Learn how decisiveness (not hastiness) can reduce stress tied to things that are within your sphere of influence
•Consider what you really have to do yourself and what to outsource, based on your unique situation
•Learn a few simple yoga-inspired stretches and calming exercises that you can do anywhere
June 29, 5-8 PM  at V-Suites, 2480 Waynoka Rd. CO Springs

Summer Shape Up:Personalized Stress Reduction Plan

SKU: 36253561235721
  • If you register but are unable to attend a session, you may send someone else in your place or request equivalent credit toward other events and services from Gly Solutions, LLC. Reservations for 3-Packs can be made by calling 1-877-480-IDEA.

    If you are using your credit to send and employee or other substitute, please call us or email and let us know. 


    If you attend an event and are dissatisfied for any reason, you may call 1-877-480-IDEA to request a full refund.

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