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When something’s a stretch for you… Smile bigger!

Entrepreneurs are hard-working people. They invest time and treasure in ideas and people to an extent that most can’t fathom. Their hours are not set or limited and many live and breathe their businesses. They are resilient too, as many sell one company and move on to the next challenge, risking their life savings, and getting back up to do it again every time they fall. I am reminded of the John Paul Jones quote that resonated with me years ago as a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy: He who will not risk cannot win.

If he hadn’t been so busy bringing the US Navy into existence, I am sure John Paul Jones would have made a wildly successful entrepreneur!

Entrepreneurs are also very optimistic people for the most part. The ones I know tend to perpetually see the glass as half full and, on top of that, live in anticipation that someone will show up with a pitcher to refill it any minute now. Even when they are far out of their comfort zones, most manage to smile and continue to sell themselves and their ideas with confidence and zest for life.

So what does that have to do with yoga? This mermaid variation isn’t easy for me. It is always a stretch. Not only that, most days, balance is an issue here too. Arguably, it’s a pretty posture to watch, no matter who is doing it‑ even if they frown from the effort… I chose it to illustrate this topic because in the photo, I am smiling even though it is hard. Behind the smile is a mind trying to make peace with stretching groin muscles, staying off of my back kneecap, trying to open up the chest, and the occasional wobble from side to side!

… But ultimately it is a mind at peace.

The effort is healthy and generative. It does not come at anyone else’s expense and, just like chasing an idea to build a business, it pushes me past my old limitations and into glorious parts unknown. It knows no unattainable perfection, just the joy of striving, learning, loving, and growing. Isn’t that what life's all about anyway?

So what about you? Can you push past your limits, take risks, and…

(Drumroll, please!)

… manage to smile from ear to ear, even when the going gets tough? If so, you might just be an entrepreneur!

Copyright Gly Solutions, LLC 2014

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